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The Will County Republican Central Committee is looking for good conservative people willing to join us in working together to make our community and America the best place in the world to live.  We have a shared vision of the United States having a smaller government.  History shows everyone has the best opportunity for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness when government is smaller.  The most effective political work starts in the precincts. The best way to learn precinct work is from the collective experience of others.  As an elected or appointed Republican Precinct Committeeman, you have available to you training, resources and coordinated help that no other community organization can offer. 

Freedom is neither cheap nor easy. As Ronald Reagan once said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”  To accomplish our goals, we strive to win elections.  The most important factor in winning elections is nominating in the Republican primaries or slating for offices candidates who are conservative, honest, and have the personal qualities that allow them to run hard for office and win elections.  Committeemen traditionally have a strong voice in selecting candidates for office through a process of endorsement.

In 2010, the Will County Sheriff’s race was won by less than 5 votes per precinct.  In 2008 election, one of the County Board seats was won by 7 votes out of over 28,000 cast.  In 1988, the Will County Recorder of Deeds race was won by 14 votes out of 120,000 votes cast.  As a precinct committeeman, you will have opportunities to talk to voters, motivate a higher Republican turnout, and greatly increase the Republican vote. The more the Precinct Committeemen do, the more elections we will win, to further our common vision.

The first step in becoming a Precinct Committeemen is to contact the Republican Township Chairman. Names, and email addresses of each of them can be found on the Township Links page.

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Election Judges Needed!

Apply Today to become a Republican Election Judge or Student Election Judge

Election Judge

The Election Judge plays a critical role in our democratic process. Election Judges protect the integrity of our elections and guarantee fair access to the ballot for all Will County Voters. Below you will find more information on how you can serve on the frontline of democracy.

Student election Judge

An inordinate number of the best Will County Judges of Elections are high school students. Students with computer skills can become involved in the political process and making sure only the eligible vote. Students are eligible to apply and can do so by submitting the form on the Will County Clerk's site for the Consolidated Election on 

Election Judges Needed!


Interested in participating as a member of a Will County Board or Commission? Get involved and take part in our government.  Learn more about the duties and descriptions of these appointed members and available seats.  If you are interested and believe that you have what it takes to sit on any one or more of these committees, apply by submitting your nomination.   

Will County Board & Commissions
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